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Custom Fields for Jira Cloud

This plugin allows you to specify create custom fields that belong to either a Project or an Issue.  Custom fields can be defined globally (for all projects/issues) or at the project level (for only this project / only issues for this project).


Any created fields and their values are then available to see on a Custom Project screen or the Issue screen.

An issue showing the issue fields defined in Custom Fields
The project fields example with data

Global Custom Fields / Validators


Custom fields can be defined globally so that they are applicable to all Projects or Issues.  The Global Fields Creator

screen can be found under the Admin System menu -> Add-ons -> Custom Fields.

The screen is used to define global custom fields that apply to all Projects (for those with "Visible In" set to Project)

and/or all Issues (for those with "Visible In" set to Issue). Each field has a number of attributes associated with it:

Visible In - If the field belongs to and is visible in a Project or Issue.

Field Type - Specifies if the field is a Date, Label, List, Number, Rich Text, String or User. A plus on the end means this is a multiple entry field and a star shows this is also a JIRA custom field that can be searched for using JQL and displayed in Issue Navigator

Validator - The validator that will be used to check the value of the field is correct.

Label - The label to shown next to the custom field.

Description - The description to be shown next to the field when the user is entering custom fields value.

Mandatory - Is the field mandatory.  

Allow the selection of more than one entry - Allows the user to select more than one entry for lists, labels, and users.

Also Show In - This is only for fields that are Visible In Projects and specifies if the field should also be shown in all Issues.

Use JIRA Custom Field - If this is checked then a JIRA Custom Field will be created (only Issue Fields for the field types: Date, Label, single item List, Number, and String).  The field value will also be set here so that it can be searched for using JQL and displayed in the Issue Navigator.

Order - The order in which the field should be displayed.  Fields are sorted on this first and then the label text.

custom fields global field creator page

The icons on the right of the screen allow you to edit, move the field up in the order, move the field down in the order and delete the field. Warning: Deleting a field will also delete all values stored for that field.  The move icon swap the order values.  So clicking the move up icon for the Business Owner would set the Business Owners order to 10 and Expected Completion to 20.


New Custom Fields can be created using the New Field button.  This following different types can be created

Example of an Issue date field being edited
Example of an Project string field being edited
Example of an Issue list field being edited
Example of an Project label field being edited
Example of an Issue user field being edited

The list item entry field has a set of icon buttons on the side that allows you to: move an item up, move an item down, edit the items value, delete an item, add a new item and add multiple new items. Warning: Deleting a list value that is in use will cause the fields that use this value to be blank, even if the value is added back in later.

List from a Project fields Selection

The add-on allows you to do sub-lists of another project list.  To accomplish this you need to set up a list that is visible in projects and allows the selection of multiple entries.  You then create a new field of type "List from a Project field selection" that is visible in Issues.  

Once items have been selected for the project those items will be the only items available for the issue field.  So if you set up a project field with the list values Red, Green, Orange and Yellow.  In the project fields screen, you select Red and Green.  When you edit the issue field the field will have the entries Red and Green as options to select.

Example of an Project list field being edited

1. Create multi selection project list

Example of an Issue list from a project field field being edited

2. Create issue "List from a Project selection"

Project values being specfied for a list from a project field

3. In a project select the items a list can select

List from a project field being edited in an Issue

4. The issue field can only select those specified in 3



Only System admins are able to see and use the Global Custom Fields screen

Searchable Fields

If the "Use JIRA Custom Field" option is checked then the value of a field will also be stored in a JIRA Custom Field.  This allows the field value to be displayed and searched for in the Issue Navigator using JQL.  The JIRA Custom Field is not displayed in the Issue, New Issue or Edit Issue screens.  The value in the JIRA Custom Field should NOT be edited as this is only a copy of the fields actual value.

Only Issue fields of the type: Date, single Label, multiple Label, single item List, Number and String can be made searchable.



Validators allow you to assign validation to the values for a field.

custom fields global validator page

The screen is used to define global validators that can be used in all global and project fields.  Each validator fields has a number of attributes associated with it:

Field Type - Specifies if the validator is for a Date, Number or String

Description - A description of what the validator does.

Regex - A Regular expression that is used to validate a field

Minimum - The minimum value/length for the field

Maximum - The maximum value/length for the field.

Enabled - The validator is only used if it is enabled.  A good way to temporary disable a validator without un-assigning it from all the fields.

The example below shows the different types of validators.

Example of a date validator
Exampe of a number validator
Example of a string validator

Project Custom Fields

The alternate to entering global custom fields and validators is to have Project level fields and validators.  The fields defined here will only appear in the Project they were created in and Issues belonging to that Project.  The validators will only be able to be used for the fields defined in this project.

The functionality of this screen is identical to the Global Custom Fields/Validators screen so please read the section above to find out more details.


Only Project admins are able to see and use the Project Custom Fields screen.

Fields showing in a Project

Fields that have "Visible In" set to Project will appear in the screen below.  Any values set for these fields will only appear in the Project they were set in.

custom fields project fieds page

Initially, any new custom Project fields are empty.  If the field is mandatory and there is no value then the text "Value Required" will be shown in red.


Values can be edited by clicking on the "Edit Values" link.  This will open a dialog showing all custom fields for the Project you are in.  For the example below the entry for the Business Owner is a string field but it could also be a user field if the business owner was a user within JIRA.

Edit page for project fieds

All mandatory field values must be entered before the values are updated.



Only Project admins are able to set or change the values in these fields.  All users are able to see this screen and the field values.


Fields showing in an Issue

Issues can show the following Custom Fields in an Issue:


  • Fields that have "Visible In" set to Issue

  • Fields that have "Visible In" set to Project and also have the "Also show in Issue" set.


The screenshot below shows the custom fields being shown in an Issue.  At the top are all of the Issue custom fields.  These are ordered by the fields order value and then by the label text.  Project custom fields marked as "Also show in Issue" are then shown under the Issue fields and are enclosed in a shaded box to differentiate them.  These are ordered by the fields order value and then the label text.

Issue page showing Custom Fields issue field values

Initially, any new custom Issue fields are empty.  If any of the fields are mandatory and they contain no value then the text "Value Required" will be shown in red (Issue and Project custom fields).


Values can be edited by clicking on the pen icon on the right-hand side.  This will open a dialog showing all custom fields for the Issue you are in.  Project fields are not shown here and their values can only be set from the Project screen.

Editing issue fields

All mandatory field values must be entered before the values are updated.



Only users with the Edit Issue privilege are able to set or change the values in these fields.  All users that can see this Issue are able to view the fields and their values.


Language Support

NOTE: Translations apply to all text EXCEPT the menu text, tab text and panel heading text.

The Langauge Support section allows you to choose a language or get the App to choose for you.  Custom Fields comes with two languages pre-installed: English and German

Custom Fields language page

Basic Project Search

The Custom Fields plugin offers a basic search capability for global project fields.  This has simple search criteria that allows you to examine values set over multiple projects.

To Access the Basic Project Search


To access the Basic Project Search you will need to define who has access to the screen.  To do this go to the Admin screens, then the Add-ons tab and select Configuration (under the Custom Fields section).

Specify who has access to the search page

In this screen, you need to define which user groups have access to the search screen.  Add one or more groups and save.  If a user is in any of these groups then they can see and use the Basic Project Search screen.  If no user groups are specified then no one has access to the search screen.

If a user has been granted access to the Basic Project Search then they are will be able to see the Custom Fields menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard screen.  Clicking on Custom Fields will show the Basic Project Search menu item under the Apps menu.


The Basic Project Search page


This page gives the user the ability to search over all global project custom fields (not project specific or issue fields).

The basic search page

On the left of the page is a drop down that lets you create a new search or select an existing search.  To the right of the drop-down is an icon for saving any created search and below the drop down is a button, with a plus symbol, that adds a line of search criteria.  The criteria let you choose a global project field, an operator (<, >, equals ...) and a value (depending on the operator).  If there are multiple search criteria then all criteria apply to a search (criteria 1 AND criteria 2 AND criteria 3 ...).  This is no current way of specifying criteria 1 OR criteria 2.

Clicking the Search button on the right-hand side of the page will initiate a search.  Below is an example of a search with a single line of search criteria.

Basic search page showing results

Saving a Search


If the save icon (the icon to the right of the "Create New Search" dropdown) then the dialog below is shown.

Saving a basic search

At the top is the name to identify the search.  Below that is a Make Global check box.  If this is NOT checked then only you can see the saved search. If it is checked then all other users that have access to the Basic Project Search screen can see the saved search.  If Make Global is checked then the Allow Global Editing is also shown.  If this is checked then other users are able to change the criteria and save those changes.

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